We have several on-campus parking lots available for use while visiting PCC. 使用我们的 校园地图 在校园里找一个离目的地很近的停车场. 适当的许可证是 所有校园停车场都需要.
费用名称 | 学期数量 | INTERSESSION数量 |
每日停车许可证 | $2.00 /天 | $2.00 /天 |
学期许可证 | $64.00(主校区) $48.00 (CEC) |
$20.00(主校区) $15.00 (CEC) |
摩托车许可证 | $10.00 | $10.00 |
停车退款处理费 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
注:所有停车费或有变动. 停车规定实行7天 一周,一天24小时. 没有额外的许可证,过夜停车是不允许的 有效期为上午12点到6点. 过夜许可证可向警方申领 部门. 的 purchase of a semester or intersession parking 许可证 does not guarantee 你有停车位吗?. 限制适用于CEC许可证-见下文.
费用名称 | 学期 | 年度 |
全日制学术课程(一) | $20.00 | $40.00 |
全职分类(2A) | $20.00 | $40.00 |
每小时非分类(2C)* | $10.00 | n/a |
兼职 | $10.00 | n/a |
摩托车许可证 | $10.00 | n/a |
注:所有停车费或有变动. 停车规定实行7天 一周,一天24小时. 没有额外的许可证,过夜停车是不允许的 有效期为上午12点到6点. 过夜许可证可向警方申领 部门. 的 purchase of a semester or intersession parking 许可证 does not guarantee 你有停车位吗?. 限制适用于CEC许可证-见下文.
Laws governed under the California Vehicle Code, Los Angeles County ordinances, City of Pasadena Municipal Code statutes and the parking regulations established by the 帕萨迪纳地区社区学院区在任何时候都有效. 根据权威 of California Vehicle Code section 21113 (a), parking enforcement is by citation.
Note on disabled parking: Persons who have a disabled placard or license plate may park in any disabled marked parking space without a campus parking 许可证. 的招牌 or license plate must be visible and may only be used by the person it is issued to.
You may purchase digital daily parking 许可证 for $2 a day from the yellow parking 许可证 machines located on every level of the parking lots throughout the main and CEC校园. 所有的每日停车许可机器都接受信用卡.
Semester, intersession, and annual parking 许可证 are available to students, faculty 和工作人员.
网上订购停车许可证很容易! 当你在网上购买许可证时,你会 需要:
- LancerPoint用户名
- 你的8位数枪骑兵I.D. (学习如何找到你的枪骑兵I.D. 在这里 LancerPoint FAQ的 )
- 有效的信用卡或借记卡
- 有效的电子邮件地址
- 车牌号码-最多2辆车/许可证. 不能把两辆车都停在校园里吗 同时.
To purchase your 许可证, log into LancerPoint and use the "停车 Self Service" portlet 点击“购买停车许可证”.
2023年秋季: 学生 现在在校园里停车需要购买停车许可证吗. 通过以下途径购买许可证 学院制度.
After ordering, a digital parking 许可证 will be created in your account under the 提供的车牌号.
如果您遇到任何问题,请发送电子邮件至helpdesk@pasadena.你的名字是Edu, ID # and a description of the issue you are experiencing, or contact the 警察 and B-210或以上的安全办公室 (626) 585-7484.
网上订购停车许可证很容易! 当你在网上购买许可证时,你会 需要:
- LancerPoint用户名
- 你的8位数枪骑兵I.D. (学习如何找到你的枪骑兵I.D. 在这里 LancerPoint FAQ的 )
- 有效的信用卡或借记卡
- 有效的电子邮件地址
- 车牌号码-最多2辆车/许可证. 不能把两辆车都停在校园里吗 同时.
要购买许可证,请登录 LancerPoint and use the "停车 Self Service" portlet 点击“购买停车许可证”.
PCC山麓停车许可证在PCC主校区无效. 如果需要的话 来到校园,请考虑带上我们的 免费穿梭!
Use the following steps to change the vehicle information on your digital parking 许可证.
- Respond using the original verification email you received, or email the vendor at clientrelations@phxgis.com
- Provide your LancerPoint number and the last four numbers of the credit card used 购买许可证
- List the changes or additions you wish to make on your digital parking 许可证
太阳城集团官方网址导航 shall allow the registered owner or person responsible for multiple 停车罚单申请付款计划. 这个过程是为了响应 作为议会法案503的一部分,对加州车辆法规进行了修改.
- A registered owner of a vehicle (CVC 460, 505) or person responsible for issued parking
citations shall be eligible to apply for a payment plan when they have multiple unpaid
parking citations (2 or more) or 自发出奖状之日起60日内或10日内 days after
- Once this thres持有 is met, any further parking citations associated with this vehicle, registered owner, or person responsible may be added to the payment plan at the time 的应用程序.
- If additional parking citations are accrued during the payment plan period, those parking citations may not be added to the original payment plan, nor will an additional 提供付款计划.
- Citations listed in a payment plan will not count towards immobilization/tow/impound 符合22651 (i)(1)的资格.
- Once/if a vehicle is immobilized/towed/impounded due to other violations, all fees including those on a payment plan, will be immediately due pursuant to CVC 22651(i)(1)(C).
- 太阳城集团官方网址导航 will recover any and all additional fees/costs for collection services, court processing and/or attorney fees associated with the collection of 未偿债务.
- If an individual requires continued access to parking on campus, the purchase of the 需要适当的停车许可证.
- 注册付费计划的费用是5美元.00美元,被视为处理费.
- Any and all late fees that have already been applied to delinquent parking citations
不会被移除. 任何尚未适用于引用的滞纳金
将被置于“等待”状态。. 如果个人遵守计划条款,滞纳金
on “HOLD” will be waived once the payment plan agreement has been fully paid.
- If an individual defaults on a payment plan, no subsequent payment plan will be offered for those citations and all the late fees will be immediately reinstated.
- Once the payment plan is approved and the individual ad在这里s to its terms a “DMV Registration
Hold” will not be filed with the DMV and any Registration Holds in place will be temporarily
- If an individual defaults on a payment plan, the DMV Registration Hold will be reinstated, 如果适用的话.
- 付款必须按每个日历月进行.
- 逾期付款将没有宽限期.
- For mailed payments, a post mark is acceptable to meet this requirement.
- Accepted forms of payment: Debit/Credit Card which may include a processing fee or 汇款单.
- 付款计划
- 余额在300美元以下的,每月支付25美元
- 余额超过300美元的,将按此评估付款.
- All unpaid parking fines and fees shall be paid off within 18 months
申请截止日期 |
自发出奖状之日起60日内或10日内 |
手续费 |
5元,于申请时缴交 |
还款时间表 |
最长18个月 |
每月最低供款额 |
$25 |
逾期申请罚款 |
$5; one-time exception |
费用减少 |
Yes; late fees waived if payment plan is completed |
申请资格 |
请参阅申请的资格要求. |
访问申请: www.paymycite.com/agency
Click “Payment Plans” and enter required information, cite numbers, along with uploading 资格证明文件
$5.00 processing fee + convenience fee for online submittal via credit card
45天内未收到付款. 任何和所有费用将被发送到车管所 持有
If approved; minimum monthly payment will be $25/mo.
Notification will be sent via email if application is approved or denied
付款完成. 任何累积的滞纳金将被免除.
欲了解更多信息,请致电 1-866-353-5867 或访问 www.paymycite.com.